This is a huge issue for me because getting intellisense for all external headers is my main reason to use Visual Assist.
Q1: Is there a correction forthcoming soon? Q2: Is it possible for to revert to an older version that does not have this problem. (I would need a new license.)
Please help, thanks,
Edited by - WannabeeDeveloper on Jul 27 2005 04:24:50 AM
The bug regarding parsing of VC++ 6.0 directories will be fixed in the next build -- it's due soon.
Try uninstalling all copies of Visual Assist using the Add/Remove Programs CP. Make sure our installation directories are gone. Start your IDEs to make sure our software is not loading.
Install build 1301.
We will email you a new key that will work in that build. (Your key purchased recently will not work in build 1301.)