The biggest problem I have with Visual Assist is that the dictionary seems to only contain the American version of the dictionary. Not only Americans use this program and it _really_ annoys me when I type in comments using the English language and it tells me it's wrong.
I don't use "realize" or "initialize", I use "realise" and "initialise". There are loads of other words too like "color" to you is "colour" to me. Please fix this. It's rather annoying.
I feel the same way as you do. I've downloaded the Great Britain English and the Dutch dictionaries, and put them into the Dict subdirectory. Restart your IDE and you can start using the additional dictionaries. (You can choose to delete the en_US dictionaries...)
With kind regards, Patrick Luja
P.S. I was always wondering if it was "initialize" or "initialise"; I'll use the later from now on... Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
we try to keep the number of options to a minimum, and bundling many different dictionaries with the installer in case the user needs one of them is not really ideal either.
you can get to this manual page via the hyper link in the tooltip for turning on underlining spelling errors in the VAX options, so we do try to tell people about this