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Posted - Nov 20 2006 :  08:10:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
While I'm writing code I some times add some TODO lines for to remeber later to complete.
I think I would great if VA had some feature to show me a summery of my TODO list.
When a shared this idea with some friends they told VS2005 has this feature, so may be you can take the method of using this feature from there.


Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 20 2006 :  08:16:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is also available in VS2003. Have a look at:

IDE tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> Task list

Personally I have run into various problems with this, since the IDE is quite picky about what it will pick up, and when it will do so. Personally I would recommend a specific format of comment, triggered via an autotext rule, perhaps:

// **TODO** $end$

and then just use the IDE's find in files feature to find all of these lines. Fast, easy, reliable, and works in all IDE's

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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New Member

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Posted - Nov 22 2006 :  07:12:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is what I do now... But I think it would be great to have VA list it for me.
(I'm using VS6)
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2006 :  1:05:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This has come up a couple of times recently. I am not a great fan of the IDE's task list myself, but what can / should VA offer in its place?

Trying to duplicate existing bits of the IDE is probably not the best use of resources Do you have a clear image of what you would like to see? Is it a simple / logical extension of an existing VA feature?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

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Posted - Jul 01 2010 :  7:53:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'd like to bump and second this suggestion. With VS2010 released, it's obvious that the VS task list still suffers the same restrictions as the ones in VS05/08 (with only slight improvements from 05->08) which is: It only displays TODOs in files which are currently open.

While a C# project displays TODOs in all project/solution files, a C++ project does not.
Of course there is the possibility to search in all files for TODOxxx, but this is not so convenient to work with.
Two use-cases VA could really improve the VS IDE by adding a better/improved task list:
case 1:
- The developers in the team add comments like
//[TODO/HACK]: @[authorname] - [priority] comment
throughout their functions used as notes to do these things at a later point in time (or when it is decided what exactly needs to be done).
[authorname] is replaced with the name of the author
[priority] being a string like "low", "medium", or "high" to mark the todo/hack with a priority
- All developers in the team have been adding these comments for several months, resulting in hundreds if not thousands of TODOs.
- Now a developer wants to check his outstanding TODOs to clear up some of them.
- He'd simply open the VAX task list (which might look almost the same as the VS task list).
- The task list offers a checkbox defining only to display tasks assigned to him (authorname == preset authorname), unassigned todos (no authorname specified) or all todos.
- The dev selects only to view his own TODOs.
- A list of all TODOs of all files (even the ones which are not open atm) are displayed in the style:
[HACK or TODO symbol] - [path][filename] - [priority] - comment
- The task list provides a way to sort the visible tasks by priority, type or filename.
- The developer selects to sort the visible tasks by priority starting with the ones with the highest priority.
- The developer goes through the list and checks/fixes/removes one task after another by double-clicking on each entry which opens the corresponding file and directly displays the TODO in the source code.

Use case 2:
- same as above with the following exceptions:
- The project leader wants to get an overview of all tasks left in the project.
- He opens the VAX tasklist and selects to display all tasks.
- The tasklist displays:
[HACK or TODO symbol] - [author] - [path][filename] - [priority] - comment
- The project leader goes through all tasks checking whether some important ones need to be taken care of immediately and also checks unassigned tasks and assigns an author to it, by adjusting the comment in the code.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2010 :  09:20:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We are considering allowing you to run "Find References" on a string in a comment, a simple example would be the "TODO" tag, but it could be run on a more complex tag:


What you describe here is interesting, but also quite "open ended", since as with normal documentation comments, experience indicates every company / group is going to end up with a slightly different, often radically different format for the comments. So we would need a flexible and powerful system for defining what to search for, and how to filter it. As soon as you allow that, people are going to want to filter on more than just author and priority

You should be able to achieve quite a lot of what you want here with some careful find in files searches in the IDE, using regular expressions to match a specific comment type. To automate these searches they can be triggered via an IDE macro.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

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Posted - Jul 15 2010 :  6:22:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Two features I would like to see in a VAX todo list would be support for connecting to Trac and the ability to detect things on the todo list from Doxygen from Doxygen comments.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 16 2010 :  09:04:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have no idea what Trac is, but if you want to connect comments in strings to an external item then have a look at SourceLinks:



and the API Extensions.

As for Doxygen comments, if VA is simply picking up "TODO" or some other standard marker comment, then it wont matter how the comment block is formatted, so long as the standard marker is used.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

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Posted - Jul 19 2010 :  4:28:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is trac:
Trac is a popular bug tracker and wiki among open source projects. Another popular one is Mantis: http://www.mantisbt.org/
These are both popular among open source projects. Fogbugz may be one thing for Commercial interests, but things hosted at pages like Sourceforge and other open source sites tend not to have the kind of budget needed for that kind of software.
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Tomato Guru

126 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2010 :  1:39:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Something similar to the "TODO Explorer" in Resharper would be a great addition to VAX.

It comes with some predefined tags for comments (and even a notimplemented exception in generated code). You can easily add your own tags.
The todo explorer defines the tags by regular expressions, so it is easy to keep out false positives on the tag finds.

In code, the tags can be colorized and bolded so it is easy to see at a glance all of your tags in a page of code.




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