It would be really nice to be able to use a different font for comments like notepad++ does. At a minimum, could we have the option to use italics for comments?
We do not have sufficient control over the IDE to consider using a different font for anything, comments included.
The IDE already allows you to specify both the foreground and background colour of comments, this should be ample to allow them to stand out clearly from the rest of the code.
Thank-you for your response. I have tried using background colors for comments. One of the problems is that the background color extends from the start of the comment to the right edge of the screen. Also, I haven't managed to find a color combination which both distinguishes comments from code and leaves the comments easy to read.
You are already allowing stable symbols to be in italic, so could you make that an option for comments as well?
As you may have noticed making certain words italic has some problems around the edges, especially with some fonts.
This works fairly well for occasional words, but it is unlikely to work so well for lots of comments. For now we are better off focusing on the existing edge case problems with our colouring, rather than adding additional complications.