If you re-open the options dialog where you have made this change what do you see? Was your change to the options saved correctly, or does the options dialog show black brackets?
Can you please go to:
VA Options -> System Info -> Copy Info
and paste the details (from the clipboard) into your reply. This will give us the basic information about your setup.
Thanks for the response. Yes, the dialog remembers the alternate color. It shows the mismatched braces using the specified color (red) but matching braces always default to black.
VA_X.dll file version 10.5.1724.0 built 2009.05.01 Licensed to: VA X: <with held> Support ends 2009.07.17 DevEnv.exe version 9.0.30729.1 msenv.dll version 9.0.30729.1 Font: Consolas 16(Pixels) Comctl32.dll version 6.10.6001.18000 Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 S 2 processors (x86)
Platform: Win32 Stable Includes: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\include; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\include; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\include; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\include;
Other Includes:
Stable Source Directories: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\src\\mfc; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\src\\mfcm; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\atlmfc\\src\\atl; C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\crt\\src;
I believe this is related to case=26508 / case=12710 and should be fixed in the next build. In the meantime, exit VS and delete the value named "VsColorCheck" at: HKCU\\Software\\Whole Tomato\\Visual Assist X\\VANet9
Then restart the IDE. Does that have any effect on the problem?