Thank you accord. I checked my problem again and was in the same sitution with you. CTypedPtrArray and CTypedPtrMap work fine, only CTypedPtrList doesn't work.
Well, I thought two solutions to the problem. 1. use CTypedPtrArray instead. 2. When coding using CTypedPtrList, just disable Visual.Assist.X and use default IDE statement completion parser for a moment. (CTypedPtrList does work well with it).
You don't have to disable Visual Assist X to be able to use default statement completion. Just enable:
VA Options -> Advanced -> Listboxes -> Get content from default Intellisense
Default Intellisense doesn't work for me using VC6 but probably I am doing something differently. Never mind. Can you please confirm that this workaround is working for you?
Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well. I tested the very option (Get content from default Intellisense) at this document page: and couldn't find a way to use default statement completion. I don't know how to use this option in the right way.
Just to clear up things and make sure we are talking about the same thing: - If you disable Visual Assist then CTypedPtrList member listboxes works - If you enable Visual Assist and tick Get content from default Intellisense then member listboxes does not display the correct list, or does not pop up any listbox Is that right? (The screenshot on the linked page displays the checkbox unticked because it talks about the case when you disable default completion, but you need to sort of disable VA completion and enable the default so you need to *tick* the checkbox.)