You can use the Shift+Ctrl+Left/Right keys to select enetered text in the find symbol window. If you entered sometinf and want to search for something different it is nice ti use Shift+Ctrl+Left and type the new stuff. Hitting Backspace 20 times isn't so nice, also using the mouse is no alternative.
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming
Also all navigating with Ctrl pressed does not work in this window.
BTW: Sorry for the horrible speeling in the previous post. Seamed that I was in a great hurry when I wrote this. Maybe nobody understood what I was writing. If you need further translations contact me <bg>.
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming
i am not sure what the bug is supposed to be. here in VS .NET 2003 and VAX 1235 in both "open file in workspace" (alt_shift_o) and "find symbol" (alt_shift_s) i can use ctrl_shift_left to select all of the entered text and then delete it.
personally i already use iespell, but it doesnt always understand my spelling
Sorry for the confusion. End/Home keys do not work in this window!
Martin Richter [rMVP] WWJD "A well-written program is its own heaven; a poorly written program is its own hell!" The Tao of Programming
*puzzled* i press alt_shift_o to get the "open file in workspace" window. now i type "path" into the file name edit field. home and end move my caret to the begining and the end of the word.
the only way i can get any form of focus issue is by clicking into the file list its self with the mouse. having done this i cannot get focus back into the edit field with the keyboard, i have to use the mouse instead.
oh now this is good! if i do the same with the find symbol window (alt_shift_s) and use the mouse to click into the selector, then home and end do return focus to the edit field support, and chance of getting home and end to do this in the files in workspace window?
now i see what you mean. confirmed, in both find symbol and file in workspace ctrl_shift_home and ctrl_shift_end do nothing.